Murtanti Jani Rahayu


Surakarta in 2007, with a population of 515.372 people and the population growth of 2.3% per year, the need for housing reach ± 95,000 units / yr. While the number of damaged homes reached 30% and there are 6600 homes uninhabitable. This condition indicates that the fulfillment comparison a house with the demand of housing increasingly out of balance.
The gap between demand and supply of housing encourage the various components and stakeholders move to support fulfillment, including the developers. In the city of Surakarta has many built formal housing for the affordability purposes of the society. Although not a few developers who build housing with a target group of high society.
But until now there is no data base which can indicate the spatial distribution of the sub sectors of formal housing in Surakarta. About the formulation of the problem in this study is how the spatial distribution of formal housing in the city of Surakarta? The goal of research is to create a map that to show the spatial distribution of formal housing as an embryo of the property information system in the city of Surakarta.
This study used observational methods that aim to identify the position, location and existing conditions with a map to show distribution of formal housing in the city of Surakarta.


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