Studi Tingkat Pencemaran Udara Karena Asap Kendaraan Bermotor Di Beberapa Wilayah Padat Surakarta
Abstract : The Aim of this research is to find determines factor concentration CO in Standart Index of Air Pollution (ISPU) transportation area that base on signification relation among concentration CO with traffic characteriticand metereology aspect. Area study was determined on Monitoring Air Quality Station (Fixed Station). Data’s of research on transportation area were taken from six streets along seven days. Data’s were analyzed using Multivariate Analysis with approach Stepwise Regression Procedure. The result of research show that signification relation among traffic characteritic, metereology aspect and concentration CO in ISPU with value of R2 = 78,8% or rxy = 0,89. From result of signification relation, show that determined factor concentration CO in ISPU is wind velocity, temperature, volume of personal car with diesel fuel, speed passanger car and weather with regression equation is CO in ISPU = 4314 – 85.5 wind velocity – 88.1 temperature + 0.183 volume of personal car with diesel fuel -16.2 speed passanger car – 125 weather factor.
Keywords : CO in ISPU, transportation area, Stepwise Regression
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Mekanika: Majalah Ilmiah Mekanika
ISSN: 1412-7962 || eISSN: 2579-3144
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