Penerapan Metode Mode Kegagalan Dan Analisa Efek Pada Proses Perakitan Produk Meja Operasi Manual
Abstract : The purpose of this research was to identify the cause of Manual Operating Table Design Failure using FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) method viewed from assembly process. The severity, occurrence and detection ratings of the potential failure modes could be determined, and then all of them were multiplied to get Risk Priority Number (RPN) value. The recommendation to prevent the failure from occurring in Manual Operating Table design was given if the RPN value exceeded 90 limits. The result of analysis on the FMEA process of sub assembly gave that the potential failure would occur during installing the midle or side valve covering bolt with verpak (RPN = 189), seal settle (RPN = 108), bushing trenden lift (RPN =126), right kneerest rack settle (RPN = 96), and left kneerest rack settle (RPN = 96). While for FMEA process of final assembly, the potential failure would occur during installing Hi-Lo pump sub assembly and handle pump sub assembly to boom assembly (RPN = 96), installing the lateral neck sub assembly at the Hi-Lo pump assembly (RPN = 108), installing the mattress frame assembly (RPN = 120), and installing the kneerest sub assembly at mattress frame assembly (RPN = 108). Based on the RPN value calculation conducted, some recomended actions were given to prevent the failures on the process of assembling.
Keywords : FMEA Process, Severity, Occurrence, Detection, RPN
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Mekanika: Majalah Ilmiah Mekanika
ISSN: 1412-7962 || eISSN: 2579-3144
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