Perancangan Mesin Pemuntir Plat Dengan Pengerak Motor Listrik Untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Bengkel Las
Abstract : The twisting machine powered by electric motor has a role for twirling the steel sheet or profile to form accessories for fence, stairs and window guard.By twisting the steel sheet or profile, the two advantages can be obtained. First, the shape can be varied so that the appearance will be better. Second, the product will be stronger and harder due to the strain hardening mechanism. In the fact of that, the function and value of the final product will be increase.This designed machine has ability to twists the steel plate with 600 mm maximum length, 30 mm wide and 5 mm thickness by torsion 794,44 It also can twist steel profile with 600 mm maximum length, 10 mm wide and 10 mm thickness by torsion 6620,64 The main dimensions of this machine are 1200 mm length, 300 m wide and 950 mm height. This twisting machine ias powered by 1 hp electric motor. For transmitting the power from the electric motor to the spindle, the pulley - belt, sprocket – chain and worm gears are used.
Keywords : Twisting Machine, Design, Torsion
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Mekanika: Majalah Ilmiah Mekanika
ISSN: 1412-7962 || eISSN: 2579-3144
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