Pengaruh Remelting Terhadap Struktur Mikro Dan Kekerasan Paduan Cor Al - Si
Abstract : Remelting is a method to recycle the product made from Al-Si cast alloy. Basically, remelting is a casting process which done repeatedly. The material used in this research was from diesel engine pistons of a truck. The used pistons were treated by three times of remelting, i.e. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd remelting. The piston was melted at 875 oC in the furnace, then poured into a permanent mold has been preheated at 260 oC. Finally, the microstructure of the specimens were examined and the hardness were tested. The result of this research indicate that remelting process can change the microstructure of Al-Si cast alloy. With three time remelting respectively, the hardness increased.
Keywords : Remelting, Recycle, Al - Si Cast Alloy
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Mekanika: Majalah Ilmiah Mekanika
ISSN: 1412-7962 || eISSN: 2579-3144
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