Rekayasa Sistem Suplai Benda Kerja Pada Festo Modular Automation Production System (MAPS)
Abstract : This paper describes modification of the workpiece supply on Festo Modular Automation Production System (MAPS). The old one uses double feeder station. The workpieces is stacked on the gravity feed magazine and feeded by pneumatic cylinder. This station is controlled by Siemenns S7-300 and programmed by Simatic Manager V5.3. The feeder is constrained by the number of the workpieces that stack on the gravity feed magazine. The design of the feed magazine just allow 12 workpieces stack on it. To make the feeder continue, the workpiece supply is modified by adding a conveyor system on feeder station. This system consist of drive and driven pulleys that connected by a belt. The structure of the conveyor is made from acrylic, the pulleys is made from allumunium, and the belt is made from cloth.The conveyor is driven by a 5 Volt DC motor with gear transmision. This new feeder system coul supply workpiece on the MAPS continuously and run using Ladder Diagram. This System also reduce the force that need to feed the workpiece from 17,78 N to 6,01 N. So, the new system is more effective than the old one.
Keywords : Feeder station, Conveyor, MAPS
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Mekanika: Majalah Ilmiah Mekanika
ISSN: 1412-7962 || eISSN: 2579-3144
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