Analisis Karakteristik Handling Kendaraan Roda Tiga Dengan Revolute Joint Frame Melalui Uji Manuver Slalom
Abstract : This research focuses on handling performances of an innovative threewheeled vehicle. A three-wheeled vehicle is a fine synthesis between the maneuverability and compactness of a motorcycle and the stability and loadbearing capacity of a four-wheeled car. Simulation using universal mechanism program in expecting to evaluate the parts of handling with different configuraton from a vehicle to find new handling index, which is also shown the quantity of kynematic and dynamic of the vehicle. Two wheeled vehicle has a nimble maneuver and simple of imention better than four wheeled vehicle. But its also has weakness in lacking of handling, safetiness and stability, which is not found in four wheeled vehicle. How if the three aspect applied into two wheeled vehicle technology. The simulation result showed that i.r.c configuration above the ground have roll transfer function value greater than i.r.c configuration on the ground and below the ground at all the speed. So that, it concluded that i.r.c configuration above the ground was easier to be handle. These result was agree with qualitatif test. Most of the test drivers (96,7 %) said that i.r.c configuration above the ground had a little effort to handle than the others configurations. However, 96,7 % of the test drivers said that i.r.c below the ground was more stable.
Keywords : Three-wheeled vehicle, Handling index
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Mekanika: Majalah Ilmiah Mekanika
ISSN: 1412-7962 || eISSN: 2579-3144
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