Evaluasi Pemanfaatan Qt-OCTAVE Dalam Menentukan Letak Kedudukan Akar (Root Locus) Bidang Teknik Kontrol

Purwadi Joko Widodo


Abstract : This article is an exposition of the technology of open sources software, to meet the needs of scientists and engineers engaged specifically in the field of control engineering. The use of Qt-Octave as the application of free-opensources to describe the root locus location of a transfer function In this article presented two methods of drawing the root locus, which is conventionally and the second by using a software tool Qt-Octave. The result of both processes, were then compared to evaluate the use of Qt-Octave software in determining the locus root of a transfer function.

Keywords : Qt-Octave, Control Engineering, Root Locus

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Mekanika: Majalah Ilmiah Mekanika

ISSN: 1412-7962 || eISSN: 2579-3144

Address :  Jl. Ir Sutami no 36 A, Building I, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta.

Phone    :  +62271632163 

email     : mesin@ft.uns.ac.id


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