Analisis Rancang Bangun Pemanas Air Surya Serbaguna Berkapasitas 600 Liter/Hari (Studi Kasus Pada Pesantren Di Kuripan Lombok Nusa Tenggara Barat)
Abstract : As one of tropical countries in the world, Indonesia has abundant potential of solar energy, up to 4.8 kWh/m2. Due to this fact, its utilization by applied technologies is necessary to investigate. The aim of this research is to analyze the design feasibility of a solar water heater with 600 litres/day capacity to fulfill the requirement of a pesantren dormitory in Kuripan, Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara. As a preliminary study, a model of solar water heater with 20 litres capacity is tested. The result indicates that by the average temperature of inlet water 28.50C, the average temperature of outlet water obtained is 49.20C and its maximum value is 58.10C in the sun heating for 8 hours and the collector area of 0.15 m2. The average efficiency is 0.54 and its maximum value reaches 0.83. Then the data measured is used to design a water heater with 600 litres/day capacity. There are 4 alternatives of energy sources, i.e. LPG, electricity, solar-LPG and solar-electric energy. By taking material and manufacturing cost into account, the investment cost of these equipments can be estimated. The operational cost is calculated for 1 year. By using the present value analysis, the high net present values are gained for solar-LPG, LPG and solar-electric water heater, respectively. Meanwhile the high net annual values are obtained for solar-LPG and LPG water heater, respectively. The net present and annual value for electric is negative. Due to this analysis, the solar-LPG water heater is considered as the best choice and proper to make.
Keywords : Solar energy, Solar water heater, Collector, Present value analysis, Annual value analysis
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Mekanika: Majalah Ilmiah Mekanika
ISSN: 1412-7962 || eISSN: 2579-3144
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