Deteksi Kerusakan Impeler Pompa Sentrifugal Dengan Analisa Sinyal Getaran

Anitya Ari I, Didik Djoko Susilo, Zainal Arifin


Abstract : This study has a purpose to develop the centrifugal pump impeller damage detection technique with vibration analysis. Vibration analysis was performed by measuring vibration in centrifugal pump impellers which were damaged at the end of their blades and impellers that were damaged on one of their blades, then compare it with the vibrations generated by the impeller which had a good conditions. Vibration measurement was performed on 1500 rpm with data retrieval of accelerometer sensor direction at axial direction, and radial. Vibration measurements will produce a time domain signal, which would then be converted into the frequency domain spectrum using the Fast Fourier Transform on Matlab Software. The result on rotation pump condition at 1500 rpm with horizontal accelerometer sensor direction indicates that the defect of centrifugal impeller pump can be seen from the high and low amplitude frequency and frequency of the blades. If the resulting spectrum shows a small increase in the pump frequency amplitude and experience decreased on amplitude frequency of its blade, the impeller was indicated that it was experiencing a damage on the tip of its blade. Whereas, if the resulting vibration spectrum shows an increase in the vast value of the pump frequency amplitude and followed by the decrease in the value of large blade frequency, it was also indicated that the impeller had been broken or missing on one of its blades. missing one of its blade.

Keywords : Vibration signal, Spectrum analysis, Impeller fault, Centrifugal pump

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Mekanika: Majalah Ilmiah Mekanika

ISSN: 1412-7962 || eISSN: 2579-3144

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