Perancangan Turbin Angin Tipe Savonius Dua Tingkat Dengan Kapasitas 100 Watt Untuk Gedung Syariah Hotel Solo
Urban area has higher energy consumption than the rural or village area. The energy need of a country is mainly determined by energy consumption in the urban and city areas. On the other hand the dependency to the energy from fossil fuel must be reduced. Therefore to fulfill the energy needs in urban area, a clean and renewable energy must be used. One of the eco friendly and renewable energy that can be produced in urban area is wind energy. In this paper a Savonius wind turbine that has 100 Watt capacity was designed to produce energy in urban area. The Savonius wind turbine was designed to be installed on the roof of the Syariah Hotel Solo. The maximum wind velocity on the roof top based on the wind speed data recorded in the Adisumarmo Airport Surakarta, was 6.71 m/s. The Savonius wind turbine design has power coefficient (Cp) of 0.18 and tip speed ratio (λ) of 1. The aspect ratio (α) and the overlap ratio (β) of the wind turbine are 2 and 0.2 respectively. The turbine has 2 semi circular blade and has height (H) of 1.85 m and rotor diameter (D) of 0.92 m.
Keywords : Urban area, Renewable energy, Wind turbine, Savonius, 100 W
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Mekanika: Majalah Ilmiah Mekanika
ISSN: 1412-7962 || eISSN: 2579-3144
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