Pengaruh Tekanan Pembriketan Dan Holding Time Terhadap Karakteristik Relaksasi Briket Biomasa
Abstract : This research was conducted to know the effect of briquetting pressure and holding time on relaxation characteristic of biomass briquette. Relaxation characteristic from briquette evaluated was the percentage of elongation in length and the percentage increase in volume. Biomass used was Kalimantan’s wood sawdust. Briquette was conducted by using a hydraulic machine press and briquette die is in form of cylinder with the inner diameter of 3 cm. Binder used was 10 % molasses and particle size of biomass sawdust 50 mesh. The variation of briquetting pressure used was 200 kg/cm2, 400 kg/cm2, 600 kg/cm2, 800 kg/cm2, and 1000 kg/cm2, whereas variation of holding time used was 5 s, 10 s, 20 s, 40 s, and 60 s. The testing of relaxation characteristic used the direct method based on standard of ASAE S269.2 DEC 96. From result of relaxation testing was founded that increased briquetting pressure and extended of holding time could decrease elongation and relaxed volume of briquette biomass.
Keywords : Sawdust, Biomass Briquette, Briquetting Pressure, Holding Time, Relaxation
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Mekanika: Majalah Ilmiah Mekanika
ISSN: 1412-7962 || eISSN: 2579-3144
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