Pemantauan Kondisi Mesin Berdasarkan Sinyal Getaran
Abstract : This paper discuss the machine condition monitoring based on vibration signal. This signal will be used to obtain the information of machine health, so that it can be determine the need of machine maintenance and prevent the more damages. Signal acquisition is obtained through vibration sensor, amplifier, signal conditioning, data acquisition, and signal processing. The implementation of the machine condition monitoring was done on the fault of rolling bearing in the centrifugal pump, and crack detection on the shaft. Analysis of vibration signal septrum on the machine could show the indications of the bearing fault and crack on the shaft.
Keywords : Machine Monitoring, Vibration Signal, Data Acquisition, Signal Spectrum
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Mekanika: Majalah Ilmiah Mekanika
ISSN: 1412-7962 || eISSN: 2579-3144
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