Harga Faktor Intensitas Tegangan Pada Kasus Part Through Crack Dengan Metode Elemen Hingga
Abstract : Stress intensity factor evaluation is needed to evaluate residual strength and crack growth. It developes some methods to evaluate stress intensity factor. In this research, the stress intensity factor is evaluated on the case of part through crack in finite solid with configuration of quarter elliptic corner crack and semi elliptic surface crack. It is done by ANSYS software which based on finite element method. Crack tip elemen model is chosen a quarter point isoparametric 20 node three dimension. In the case of quarter elliptic corner crack, result of ANSYS analysis gives geometry factor (β) close enough to geometry factor (β) of BEASY software result, with the maximum error of 7.99% angle. for the angle 90o. On the other side, comparison of the ANSYS result with the result of Newmann-Raju equation, the maximum error is 3.89% for the 0o angle. In the case of semi elliptic surface crack, the ANSYS analysis gives the result of the stress intensity factor close enough with the experimental result which be done by Siyi Chen and Zhenyuan Cui with maximum error is 11.68% in spesiment T7 for the crack direction a (90o angle) when the configuration is a=16,7 and c=20,4.
Key words : Quarter Elliptic Corner Crack, semi elliptic surface crack, Stress Intensity Factor, Finite Element Method.
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Mekanika: Majalah Ilmiah Mekanika
ISSN: 1412-7962 || eISSN: 2579-3144
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email : mesin@ft.uns.ac.id

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