Pengaruh Temperatur Udara Terhadap Unjuk Kerja Unit Desalinasi Surya Berbasis Pompa Kalor Dengan Menggunakan Proses Humidifikasi- Dehumidifikasi
Abstract : This research was conducted to investigate the effect of air temperature and the effect of the use of double-pass flat plate solar air heater with two glass covers on the performance of solar desalination unit based on heat pump using humidification and dehumidification processes. This unit consists of a heat pump, humidifier, dehumidifier and double-pass flat plate solar air heater with two glass covers. This research was conducted in the indoor experiment. Solar energy generated from solar simulator using halogen lamps. Intensity of solar radiation was varied at 828 W/m², 924 W/m², 1014 W/m², and 1120 W/m², so the resulting air temperature entering the humidifier of 60°C, 63°C, 68°C and 71°C respectively. For desalination unit without solar collector, inlet air temperature of humidifier was 37°C. The constant parameters were compressor rotation of 1,200 rpm, the temperature of seawater at 45°C, the volumetric flow rate of sea water of 300 l/h, and seawater in the desalination unit was re-circulated. The results of the research show that the volume of fresh water production increases with increasing temperature of the air entering the humidifier on this solar desalination unit. Average fresh water production rate of solar desalination unit at air temperature entering humidifier 37oC, 60oC, 63oC, 68oC and 71oC was 18 l/day, 24.48 l/day, 26.64 l/day, 29.52 l/day and 35.64 l/day, respectively. The use of double-pass flat plate solar air heater with two glass covers could increase the production of fresh water for the variation of solar radiation intensity 828 W/m2, 924 W/m², 1014 W/m², 1120 W/m² by 36% , 48%, 64% and 76%, respectively.
Keywords : Desalination, Heat pump Humidification, Dehumidication, Double-pass flat plate solar, air heater with two glass, covers
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Mekanika: Majalah Ilmiah Mekanika
ISSN: 1412-7962 || eISSN: 2579-3144
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