Desi Nugraheni, Made Suastika, Ofita Purwani


Water reservoir can be turned into a tourist attraction. One of the reservoirs in Indonesia with tourism potentials is Kedung Ombo Reservoir. Kedung Ombo Reservoir is one of the largest reservoirs in Indonesia. The location of this reservoir includes three regencies, namely Grobogan, Sragen, and Boyolali with an area of about 6,576 hectares. Kedung Ombo Reservoir is used as a tourist destination and one of them is located in Wonoharjo Village, Kemusu District, Boyolali. The reservoir has the potential for inland fisheries that can be developed as tourism. This paper focuses on the proposed design for tourist destination in Kedung Ombo reservoir. As the site for the destination consists mainly of a water area mixed with a small land area, we propose to use amphibious structure.

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